We will be going to Mulu Caves this December. Saw the sad news about the German tourist. Is flash floods common in Mulu Caves ?
Flash flooding is common in any tropical area.
Heavy rain and thunder storms are normal.
The German tourist was just unlucky.
Don't worry, you will have a great trip.
I dont wish to be pedantic, the tourist who lost his life was a 66year old Dutchman
The search is ongoing for the local 20 year old guide who was also swept away
The good news is that eight other tourists managed to save themselves
I spent 15 years as a collier in S Yorkshire so have never had a desire to take a bus mans holidays
I do know the potential dangers of any cave that has underground water systems and flash floods, you must remember that the rain might not be all that local but arrives all the same
Common sense needs to be applied and you need to seek out genuine profession local advice which is not based on financials
Last year a major international cave rescue was mounted in Thailand to rescue the youthful football team members and their coach
They of course ignored a warning sign about entering the cave at that particular time of year hence the events that followed leading to their ultimate successful rescue, unfortunately at the cost of the life of one of the rescuers
I will repeat I dont know anything about this or any other cave but please do your research on the safety aspects
Happy travels
Thanks for being so positive.
We have signed up for the Essential Mulu Showcaves package from Borneo Adventure.
Hi Michelle.
I just returned from Borneo where we did 4 days at Mulu. It was very sad about the 2 people who died doing the Garden of Eden Tour. We talked to the guides out there and it sounds like there had been rain further up the mountain that day but the weather in Mulu was fine so they went into the caves and got caught out by a sudden rush of water that came down from a higher cave system into the Garden of Eden area without warning.
I think there will always be a risk but unsurprisingly the guides are being extremely careful since this happened. We did the Clearwater Connection caving and our guide was constantly monitoring water levels. I would be very surprised if anything like this happens again as they are being very cautious. But at the end of a day it is a massive (and only 50% explored) cave system, so no-one can ever be certain what is going to happen.
We were going to do one of the more advanced caving things but decided due to recent events not to do anything too risky.
Mulu is awesome and you will love it.I would recommend staying at a Homestay (we stayed at Mulu Backpacjers Homestay) as you actually get to know some of the local people and feel like you are more immersed in the community (and it is a lot cheaper!).
Have fun! x
Borneo has caves everywhere - even near Kuching.
They all carry the same risk.
Fine weather where you are, but heavy rain some distance away....... that could lead to flash flooding.
It's a bit like the flash floods that happen in the canyons of the USA!
Thanks for the info and the positive comments Stuart.
Positive comments wont save your life, common sense comments just might
Happy Travels
Problem is that no matter how much common sense you use, you do not know if it is raining 15K away - blue sky for you - thunderstorm off in the distance.
The cave systems are often massive.
Best to have a local guide and knowledge.
As I have already stated quite clearly in Post 2 my man
Happy Travels