My boyfriend and his best friend will be in town and they are looking for a trusty tailor for their suits. I did some research and most of them charge between RM600 to RM2500 as starting price. I called some of the prestigious ones, and oh is not affordable at all, it is nearly the same if not more expensive than in Europe itself. Anybody here can recommend a good trusty one?
So far, the most affordable one is: Teng Tailor Shop in Sungai Way (starts from RM600)
And I have not been to the shops in Campbell Shopping Complex but I called and they quoted around RM1400 as starting price. I also saw that in Pertama Complex, there are many other tailors with this price. KLCC and Bangsar shops look so shiny, that I would consider only if they couldn't find anything.
I am at this moment a bit overwhelmed by all this information on the big world wide web. Can someone recommend a tailor that can do a quality full suit within a week for less than RM2000. Thank you!