Three lunchtime diners. I could tell the young lad serving us was, to put it as generously as I can, away with the fairies so I made it very clear: one tandoori chicken wrap and TWO (complemented with polite two-finger signal) fish n’ chips. There were, after all, THREE of us. Lo and behold, one chicken wrap and one fish n’ chips arrived. I can tolerate people with small brains, but only if they bother to use them. He didn’t even confirm the order back to me or double check. And so we had to wait for the third plate. Fish was underseasoned and low quality. Tandoori chicken wasn’t great either, but probably the best fish. Young girl working in the kitchen was polite and courteous. Accompanying salads came with sesame dressing / the most flavour to be found on the table, but a mismatch with the food. Mayonnaise dip requested with chicken wrap also forgotten about. WAKE UP!!!!!!