My fiancé and I, on a beautiful Saturday night, decided to have dinner and sit outside on their porch. We had not been out except for one time as restaurants were opening up from the restrictions from the pandemic. So, being able to score a reservation at The Grenville Restaurant in Bay Head was going to be a treat or so we thought.
We met with the hostess and she had a table set on the porch with other patrons and seated us. Our waiter came over right away and asked us for our choices. He was very pleasant. We shared our appetizer and had salad. I had my salad, but my fiancé likes to have his salad with his meal. After finishing my salad and some conversation, we realized that it was already an hour since we saw our waiter, however, as they were busing other tables they tried to pick up my fiancés salad four times.
We realized that since we didn't see anyone coming our way with our dinners, I wanted to tell the hostess that we never got our dinners so we thought we would pay for what we ate and leave the waiter a tip, etc. Well, that isn't even close to what happened. I found the hostess and she thought I was leaving for the evening. I looked at here a bit confused and said I wasn't leaving but wanted to tell her we didn't get our dinners yet. She answered "you never got your dinners?" I said no and it's been about an hour since we received our salads. She answered "that's too bad." She didn't offer to see what happened and just looked at me and and said that they take their time with their customers and I answered "oh yes but an hour?"
Well, she lost it after that. She said "this is Bay Head and you are going to wait."
I was surprised at her answer and she was visibly irritated. She still did not go to see what was going on with our dinners. Still seething from anger, she asked what we had to eat which I let her know, and then she said "you don't have to pay for anything." I said really? I thought that was nice and was going to thank her, but then she said "get out!" I was stunned by her statement. Get out? She said yes, get out!
My question should not have prompted a reaction like that. It's a normal question. In the meantime, my fiancé came to the front because I was taking too long to come back to the table. He felt something wrong. He then said to her or started to we are disappointed...she cut him right off and said again "the both of you get out." "This is Bay Head you are going to wait." It got worse after that so we left. I have never been treated so rudely by someone asking about our meals. I have had dinners in the best restaurants in New York City, London, and Italy and no one spoke to me that way. So, I see that if you have dinner in Bay Head you are going to wait considerably because it's Bay Head and while you are waiting you will be rudely treated.
I would never recommend this Inn to anyone, but I would let them know how we were treated and how rude they are to their new customers. I hope that no one has the experience my fiancé and I had, but if you ask where your dinner is "beware!"